
The Nursery

The nursery has been a work in progress for quite some time now...

Stage One... taped off

Stage Two... texture

Stage Three... paint (ceiling, walls, and trim)

Stage Four... the wall

Stage Five... the dresser (don't be deceived... Anthony did most of the work)

Stage Six... choosing manly decor

and Finally... it is finished


Ready to POP!

I'm 39 weeks + 2 days in this picture...
We are wondering whether William will have an April birthday or May?
(probably May)


Maternity Photos

Today we went to Bandon to take some maternity pictures. It was so much fun :) We loved having KamBria as our photographer. Luckily we got all of the pictures done in between the rain showers! And I didn't start to get too swollen until closer to the end.

Despite the wind we got some really good ones... We'll get to see more in a few weeks, but these are my favorites so far: